Would you very much mind fucking off?
Everyone has habits that people find annoying. Perhaps they are a little facial tic. Maybe an oft-used phrase that begins to grate on the nerves.
My flatmate T has a few little things that annoy me and if I was dating him (not in a million years!), would drive me over the edge. He eats terribly. He has a tendency to eat with his mouth open, thus giving me both an auditory and visual enjoyment of his meal that I would rather go without. N used to jiggle his feet in bed. B clicks his nails together (hard to describe). A very good girlfriend of mine, M, always checks herself out in any reflective surface - slightly disconcerting when you are talking to her and her eyes stray over your shoulder to find that she is ascertaining her visage in some surface behind you.
But apparently I drive a work colleague crazy with things I do - without even knowing it. She is in a separate office to me, which adjoins mine by a wall. Apparently this wall does little to dampen any noise generated in my office. As a consequence, I am constantly on edge about any conversation that I have in my office - for fear that it will annoy her. She is not shy of complaining about noise. But today things reached a new low.
I have been busily analysing data using Excel. Generating squillions of tables and graphs and generally "doing my job". It would appear that my jewelry is now a source of angst for my colleague. I wear a bangle on my right hand - a gift from my parents and a much beloved item. I never take it off. (Well, except at airports when I am forced to - and there is sometimes soap required for that feat). Apparently the "banging" of my bangle on the desk, as a consequence of me moving the mouse around is "driving her crazy".
So should I continue to "bang the bangle", let her go postal and leave me alone? Usually people find me annoying by the things I say - this is a whole new level to come to where I am able to cause distress by being productive!
Oh dearie, dearie me....
This girl is really in need of something resembling a life, methinks, beloved ho. She seems insecure to the max.
Maybe a gift voucher for Mitre 10 to allow her to get some batting to insulate that wall would be an ideal and thoughtful gift for her next birthday present. Of course, cheaper still would be a set of ear-plugs. Maybe not cheaper (but *infinitely* more satisfying!) would be a slap around the head, followed by a sharp "Grow up and get over yourself, woman!!"
This sort of person will find fault with anything and everyone she comes into contact with, so in the words of Will Shakespere....tell her to go fuck herself.....I'm pretty sure Will said that ???????
I think you should keep wearing your jewelry and hell why not adds some more one-day. Just casually go about your business; though take note of what she looks like in the morning. See if she is you know fine no problems what not then cheek in the afternoon an see if she has gone bananas because of the extra jewelry clanging together as you type as well as using the mouse. A little project to be amused by for all of 30 seconds (or more). Hey if it sends her crazy all the more fun, and on the up side you wouldn’t have to worry about what was said and done in your office. All the best have fun and always look for the good things in people because if you are lucky there are more good things that will counteract the annoying ones. Everyone has quirks that are peculiar or annoying it is life most people don’t take it further, like your wall buddy. Bee good catch you ;-)
P.S. Yeh I do mind fucking off I was put hear to be a pain to annoy who ever and hell even have some fun in between. It seems to have worked on occassions. LOL ;-)
I think you should keep wearing your jewelry and hell why not adds some more one-day. Just casually go about your business; though take note of what she looks like in the morning. See if she is you know fine no problems what not then cheek in the afternoon an see if she has gone bananas because of the extra jewelry clanging together as you type as well as using the mouse. A little project to be amused by for all of 30 seconds (or more). Hey if it sends her crazy all the more fun, and on the up side you wouldn’t have to worry about what was said and done in your office. All the best have fun and always look for the good things in people because if you are lucky there are more good things that will counteract the annoying ones. Everyone has quirks that are peculiar or annoying it is life most people don’t take it further, like your wall buddy. Bee good catch you ;-)
P.S. Yeh I do mind fucking off I was put hear to be a pain to annoy who ever and hell even have some fun in between. It seems to have worked on occassions. LOL ;-)
The only time people notice those "annoying" noises is when the noises are genuinely so loud they can't hear themselves think... or when they're just not thinking anyway.
She's cranky and distracted by something else, or a bangle tapping through the wall wouldn't even get noticed.
Keep your jewelery, and wait for her personal life to improve.
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