The glamorous Life sans Sheila E
The tap spectacular is done and dusted for another year - and we were brilliant as usual. Well, actually, we were pretty good by the final concert, but we are amateurs and surely that is allowed? For those who just can't live without exciting candid shots from behind the scenes, here are some of the important moments.
Despite weeks of preparation, some last minute sewing to costumes, or stapling as was the case with lots of costumes, had to be performed.
Hours behind the scenes with panic-stricken rehearsals before entering the stage, are more easily managed on a full stomach.
The most important addition to any show-girls wardrobe is the "safety pant". Never has the Bond's Cotton-tail been worn so glamorously!
By our final show, we were in such good spirits, that the weeks of effort faded away into one super show-girl moment.
The only eye-rolling moment of the whole weekend, came not from me wearing a KFC bucket on my head, a cereal box on my back, or flashing my safety pant to the audience. On the opening night, my mother was sitting in her usual prime seating position for maximum viewing appreciation. A woman, also a parent of a member of the show, sat down beside her and they struck up a rather animated conversation. By interval, my mother sent me an SMS, not to tell me how wonderful the show was, not even to point out any mistakes I made in my first routine. She SMS'd me to say, "I am sitting beside (insert strange boy's name)'s Mum. He is 34, single and a beginner. Gave her your phone no. He has some hair left."
I am not quite sure how to take my mother pimping me out while I am dressed as a Swedish Milk Maid.
Your mum is a riot!! too funny.
Your tapping buddies loved the "clues" your mother gave in her txt message, as we attempted to narrow down the selection of men. (a) he was a beginner; (b) he was a Richmond tapper; (c) he was 34; (d) he had "some hair left" ..... it didn't take us long to find the culprit - and of course put our own spin on whether or not he was your future beau .... the consensus - maybe not, but he looked like lots of fun and of course he was a glamour-puss. Miss D
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