Thursday, May 10, 2007

A holiday, with benefits!

I am currently in the throes of contemplating a holiday. Ted and I have a tendency to talk every weekday, via email mostly, sometimes text. Despite our disastrous attempted relationship, we still talk lots. I genuinely like him. And I think he feels the same way. But we both know that we aren't really good relationship material for each other.

But we like sex. And we like sex with each other. Quite a bit in fact.

So the other day, during one of our numerous daily emails, I bemoaned again the fact that I would like a holiday away somewhere, but don't want to travel solo again. He offered to be a travel companion, and of course, fuck buddy along the way. So we have started looking into options (actually he has - good boy that he is). And he asked me to work on our "travel rules". After some discussion, the rules that we have agreed on are;

(i) We can do what we like without expecting the other person to come along. EG if he wants to go to sporting games, he can - without a word from me.
(ii) We will generally spend some time together each day - be it dinner/drinks/sex.
(iii) If either of us picks up someone for an "interlude" of sorts - not a problem - but they cannot come back to our room - thereby leaving the other party bedless for the night.
(iv) If either of us picks up someone - you cannot then spend the rest of the holiday with the pickup, as Ted and I are on holidays together.

The more we talk about it, the more it sounds like a really great idea. There is no bad in this. A holiday away with someone I like - someone I can have a good time with - and no bitching or arguments - in theory.

Of course, I did discuss this idea with my therapist yesterday. She was bemused by it, but interestingly her reaction about it was why Ted and I obviously like each other, but clearly don't want to date. Go figure - I never said my life ever made sense.....


Jules said...

You're my best friend, best friend with benefits - Alanis Morrisette

Sounds like a bloody great holiday. Who doesn't want sex and companionship, coupled with a holiday atmosphere and the added bonus of being able to do what you want, when you want. I'm jealous!!

Nadim said...

All fun and no responsibilities! lucky bastard!

Sienna said...

Setting guidelines is a good idea. Nothing worse than getting there and not being happy and wanting to go home. Isn't it a shame the people we have sex with so well fail so dismally in other areas? It would totally suck for the person you are shagging on holiday to 'pick up' someone else (unless you were involved of course!).

n said...

Ooo err, getting some holiday action, lucky you! Have fun!

londongirl said...

I think it sounds like a great plan, as long as the tropical sunsets don't make you start feeling all romantic towards him!

Cath said...

Biby - thanks.. look forward to having you her again.

Jules, Nadim and MMQC - As I said, theoretically it is a perfect idea. We shall see.

Livy - Too true!

LondonGirl - I can GUARANTEE no romantic inklings!!!!