Age shall not weary them
I had opportunity over the weekend to visit my parents. The occasion for such a visit was my Mother's 60th Birthday - and a hoot and a holler it was destined to be.
Some months ago my Mother decided to start teasing me by saying that I would be 40 soon. I did try and point out that, firstly, 40 is still a good few years away, and secondly, that that would mean that she was the mother of a 40 year old - and perhaps that was a thought worth contemplating. Surprisingly, she laughed it off saying, "Well, that doesn't matter - I am old".
It is at this point that I should draw attention to the fact that my mother is a stage entertainer (singer/guitarist etc), and it is a well known fact that although Sean Connery might still get it on in his 70's and an aged Paul Newman might still set hearts a-racing - women do not get the same treatment in their senior years. A few years ago my mother asked me what age I thought she could pass for. At the time she was in her early 50's, and was a good looking 50-something. But she wanted to claim that she was mid-40's. I tried to tell her that wouldn't it be better to be considered a good looking 50-something year old, rather than a haggard mid-40 year old. I think my argument may have landed on deaf ears - rational thought has never necessarily been a strong suit in my family.
But, on Saturday night, she frocked up - looking fabulous - and was the belle of her ball. It seemed that she was truly ok with turning 60.
Cut to Sunday afternoon at the airport, over a cup of coffee before I was about to fly back home, she leaned in and said, "Now tell me honestly, do you think I should get a facelift?".
Oh yeah, she is fine with her age.
Postscript.... During the course of the weekend, my mother did exclaim that she wished I could be more lady-like. What the fuck?
Your Mum sounds rather nice! I think all women how are getting older realize that they are not going to live forever, and their minds dont' match up with their bodies. Getting older can't be easy.
Who needs to be lady-like anymore anyway? I say down with that whole thought. :-D It is too much effort and expectations are too high for it!
Your mum sounds like a cool lady. Will you be like her when you're that age?
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