Thursday, October 14, 2004

Adequate.... just.

I had the misfortune of spending an afternoon surrounded by accountants.

What... you want more than that?

OK OK. Despite the, so far, delightful Taxman of Miss Pear, accountants are a breed of person that most can do without - myself included. Do my tax for me - but then very kindly go away and back to the hole you crawled out of. Following my annual work Performance Appraisal, our business manager (a.k.a. accountant with an ego) supplied me with information on a few Personal Development courses that were being run through the CPA (a.k.a. geek organisation for accountants). In the interest of both feigning some interest in personal development, and keeping my job, I signed up for a couple of these classes.

This afternoon's topic was Strategies in Time Management. I will not bore you with any of the gruesome details. Suffice to say that there goes three hours that I will never get back again. But I digress.

As part of the session, the speaker asked us to score (out of 10) many aspects of our lives (eg emotional, career, financial, fitness, education). In addition, she asked us to write a short sentence about each of these areas. I think I wrote something inane like, "Fitness: Not at my ideal physical fitness". After a few minutes of this, I completed my comments and scores, and stared around the room disinterestedly, when my eye happened to rest upon the comment that the gentleman beside me had put beside his emotional state.

He wrote quite simply, "Emotional: Content with wife".

There is no way that I cannot find his comment insensitive, and insulting to his (hopefully) beloved bride. Then again, I am an overtly emotional creature and have trouble coping if there are not daily protestations of love and emotion.

So, tell me... am I being too hard on this fellow? Or, does his being an accountant put me off the hook this time?


Anonymous said...

Too hard .... better to be "content with wife" than "content with mistress and wife". Daily protestations of love .... too needy.

Anonymous said...

He could have written "Wife: Satisfactory" or "Wife: Acceptable" which would have been more accountant like. (A bit like the fact my father has stopped signing all birthday cards to me. It used to be "Kim....Dad", then just "Dad" as I am an only child, so who else would he be seinging it to? Now..Nada.

Anonymous said...

So do you class yourself as Emotional: Content with B

Anonymous said...

Hi Blogger, Our team of HR students attending Arizona State University Business School found your post this post this morning and wanted to tell you how much we enjoyed it.
Currently we are working on a project online which requires us to compile a list of interesting blogs/websites on topics regarding job performance appraisal . Even though your feed here isn't exactly what we are looking for, we wanted to post here and say that our team of 9 will now be regular readers. In addition we will be posting a link to your blog from our job performance appraisal site just to recommend it to our readers. Thanks, you made our boring job performance appraisal project much more fun today. Sincerely, the ASU Business Team!

Anonymous said...

Hi there Blogger, I am very interested in personal development. Your blog came to my attention by following some links for this post. I really think your blog is cool. Unfortunately it was not exactly relevant to personal development. All in all I am glad I accidently came across your site. I am going to tell my friends about your blog. They are very interested in your subject.I am sure they will visit often. Thanks and make it a great day!