Sunday, January 07, 2007

Unorganised - but certainly prepared!

In the spirit of the New Year, and all that trollop, I have spent the last couple of days purchasing a few items to reorganise my life. I have acquired new storage boxes, new hanging arrangements andnaffy containers for all manner of crap. So in an effort to implement good karma, and organisation in to my life, this afternoon I began to clean out a cupboard. I decided it was time to seriously cull the handbags I own (I have handbag issues), and get rid of all those bags that I seriously will no longer use.

Heads up advice for those thinking what to get me for my up-coming birthday - DO NOT BUY ME A HANDBAG! Invariably other people's taste is different to my own. I will have to pretend I like it, keep it in my cupboard for the requisite year or two, until I finally give it away with a slightly guilty conscience. Save us all the pain - give me cash instead.

I started by assembling all the handbags on my bed. Yes, they covered the whole bed. Then I went through each of them, cleaning them out for whatever rubbish remained inside, before throwing to the chuck-out pile, or returning to its new neat location.

I present to you now my list of reclaimed items from my handbags - in no particular order.
(i) 25cents - in 5 and 10c pieces
(ii) One lipgloss
(iii) Five tampons
(iv) Four "sheets" of headache tablets, naprogesic and cold and flu tablets
(v) One comb
(vi) One set of headphones
(vii) Three packets of Listerine Pocketpack breath mint strips
(viii) Two highlighters
(ix) One Moleskine notebook (with a list in the back of all the men I have slept with -!?!)
(x) Three jellybeans
(xi) One pencil and one pen
(xii) Three Band-Aids
(xiii) One vial of Insulin and four needles (I am diabetic)
and, finally,
(xiv) Six condoms!

I am no girl scout, but one can honestly say, I seem to be prepared for just about anything.


Anonymous said...

Hell, you'd give Macgyver a run for his money in being prepared!
Cheers Kerri

n said...

Ahh, a kindred spirit. Though I have to admit, that I probably have almost the same volume of stuff in just the one handbag- my huge JAG one. I could SO leave home with it and stay away for weeks!


Anonymous said...

I'm with Kez on this one, although to be truly MacGyver-ish you need some chewing gum and a few paperclips also.

And sweetpea, if I ever gave you a handbag that you hated, you could always tell me it was crap. I'd quite happily keep it myself :)