It seems an age since I’ve seen you, Countdown as the weeks trickle into days
For those of you persistent enough to keep checking back - thanks! I can't even contemplate how I let things go so long between posts. Trust me, it isn't because I have been so swept off my feet with life or romance.
So when last we caught up with moi, I had just been on a speed dating event and had a match-up. Well, the gentleman of concern and I, did indeed meet for a date. It seems so obvious to me, but apparently no so obvious to men today, that a first date should be relatively short, well planned and be the best possible way to enhance your new dates personality. I met this fellow, after he begged off picking somewhere, for brunch. I love brunch. Frankly, I love it so much that I will happily eat out Saturday and Sunday, by myself, with a book and my coffee and will be not at all perturbed. Sharing my favourite meal of the week with someone is fraught with some hesitations for me. But share I did. As it turns out, this fellow doesn't drink coffee, and even remarked that he hates the smell of it on someone's breath. I had not one, but two, lattes. This was starting off well.
After a pleasant meal and exchange, he then says to me, "What now?". Honestly, I was thinking, well, the date was for brunch, and frankly, I am quite looking forward to doing some ironing....... But we plunged on regardless. The whole time, he did not offer one suggestion about what to do. So I had to make suggestion after suggestion. NGV Gallery? Why not? NGV Book Market? Great for me - apparently he doesn't read. Southbank markets? Sure. Finally after wondering the streets, it was a reasonable hour for a drink. And again, trusty Cath had to suggest somewhere. Thankfully I found a stellar spot, where it was declared that I was great. Finally, seven hours after the date began, we parted, with a kiss on the cheek, and an excited wish to see me again.
So, we planned another occasion to catch up. This time it was on ANZAC Day, with the plan set to be some sort of meal. He picked me up, and we drove to Albert Park, and proceeded a walk to St Kilda. It was lovely weather, and a pleasant walk along the waterfront. Lunch, again decided by me, was at a place where we could get a seat. Walking back to the car, it was decided that we would be catching up with some friends of his at the Belgian Beer Hall. At last, he made a plan of sorts! They were pleasant people and I had a nice time with them. An uneventful drive home after, left me wondering how I felt about him. He seemed nice and engaging, although I wished that he had some more balls......
Anyway, parked in front of my unit, he began to appear awkward. I thought, that this sudden change in demeanour is because of one of two things. Firstly, I thought, he is nervous, because he likes me and wants to kiss me. Or, secondly, he is nervous because he wants to dump me. So to ease his mind, I turned in my seat to face him directly, smiled and declared, "So, you are all nervous all of a sudden!". Clearly I set him at ease there and then! Rather inarticulately, he managed to mumble through the second of the options above, stating that "he didn't want a relationship". I would loved to have had the gumption to scream at him, "You were at a speed-dating evening to meet women - clearly you want a relationship. What you mean to say is that you don't want a relationship with ME!".
Thankfully, by this time, I had decided I didn't want to see him again either. So I cheerfully smiled and said thanks and got out of his car. By his reaction, he seemed surprised that I didn't break down in tears. Not quite sunshine.
So with much relief, I dashed towards my door, hugged the cat and laughed off another happily unsuccessful date.
Atta Girl Cath, you see the difference Isabella makes - just levels out things in a way people just DON'T!!
Enjoyed this post, keep 'em coming
Really enjoyable post! Found your link on another blog, and just dropped in to have a sticky beak! Your writing is very easy to follow, clear and concise. Awesome! Finding a man is the pits I reckon, but hang in there, he is out there living and breathing just like you are... right at this moment, just thinking the same thing you are.. where the bloody hell is she/he(the man of your dreams or his)????
I've been in one of those 'is he going to dump me or kiss me' situations, luckily it was the latter with my current boyf. The boyfriend before that was the former...on my doorstep, 'when are we gonna meet up again? ' umm, this isnt working *door slam in face* :) Satisfying! Funny how we can tell when something's coming though...
I agree, jellyfish should stay in the sea, look for a one of those other fish...they have a backbone.
Although, you did make a interesting change to plans for tonight. I am not asking where, just going to take her there. See, you have the power to change people you don't even know. Seems you have you superpower now.
I should have made and effort to proof read that.....
OMG!! I would have RAN in the other direction after he said he doesn't like the smell of coffee on another's breath. Mr Right will come along, he'll probably be sitting at one of your favourite "brunch" hangouts with a coffee and a good book - alone. Have a good scan next time you are there.
He sounds like a complete pansy- good riddance I say!
I'd deliberately get the strongest coffee and breathe on him all day. I can take charge if I have to, but sometimes its too stressful. I like a strong guy.
These speed daters are strange people at times. I'm very glad you didn't give him the satisfaction of crying, sobbing about your life without him blah blah etc.
PS: Brunch is the best meal of the day.
Darl, I'm liking Jules suggestion. I think he/she may be spot on the money there.
I am *so* looking forward to the 31st!!!
Hi Cath, saw your blog and was captivated by the title and decided to read on. I too experienced the speed dating thing about 2 and a bit years ago and am now happily married to a wonderful person who I met there. However there were a few experience like you mentioned, but its really a numbers game and mine seemed to be like an odometer on a car! I'll look in from time to time and say hi. Keep up the good work and good luck!
Just read this dating story of yours, and have to say ... you truly are a remarkable women.
No hint of generalised hate towards all men because of this pathetic twat, and a happy go-lucky temperament to boot.
I can only hope there's more ladies like you out there,
you've inspired me to keep on looking for miss Right.
She's gotta be out there somewhere.
Mr Anonymous, Yes I am happy go, and hot to boot.
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