Knowing when to shut up
I often wish I knew how to shut up. I can feel myself saying things, and somewhere deep inside, a little voice is saying "STOP!!". But I carry on regardless, heeding noone. Maybe saying the things that didn't need to be said, or maybe just saying too much. Of course, I am also known for saying the unspeakable on occasion. And sometimes, it is funny.
But I was listening to a song on the radio the other day, and you know how every now and then a song will just leap out at you as being "right"? Well this one was. I think it captured a lot of what I went through with Bond and my need to divulge my emotions and thoughts. But for those of you who think I say everything - you may be surprised - even to those out there in bloggy land.
So.. here was the song...
I know you think that I shouldn't still love you
Or tell you that
But if I didn't say it
Well, I'd still have felt it
Where's the sense in that?
I promise I'm not trying to make your life harder
Or return to where we were but
I will go down with this ship
And I won't put my hands up and surrender
There will be no white flag above my door
I'm in love and always will be
Oh yeah, and Bond and I have been sms'ing. 'nuff said for now.
'Bond and I have been sms'ing.'
'nuff said.
Dido - White Flag, love that song .... my friends played it at their wedding when entering the reception .... it was also played at the Gangland funeral of Lewis Moran which I thought was most apt given the Gangland killings did not appear, at that stage, to be coming to a conclusion!
No comment on Bond and sms-ing; although I guess a trip to Vegas could be on the cards????
My dear,
Be careful. Enough said from me okay.
Very cool song. Love it. Comments have got me intrigued.
I just love the line about saying it - cause you felt it... But to put Boris, Anon and Pingu at ease - no Vegas trip on the cards (lol - like what I did there???). So far it is smsing only - and very limited at that.
Livy - history history history.....
Hey, I have the same thing sometimes - watching myself saying stuff and thinking I should shut up.
Cool re bond.
I bloody hate it when Blogger deletes my comments!! So, not to rewrite what I just wrote. I think your blog is great, so I have nominated you for a thinkers blogger award. So, please check out my blog for details.
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