Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Reasons why I don't think I got the job...

1. The interview was undertaken in a doctor's room. There weren't enough chairs to go around, so I asked whether I should hop up on the examination table. Not the time for a comedic moment perhaps?

2. One of the interview panel asked whether I could be serious, especially if I had to deal with a serious matter, eg someone's cat dying (I kid you not - that was his example). I responded, "If it was a dead cat - I could be very serious."

3. When asked about my thoughts on taking on administrative duties in my boss's absence, I responded, "As long as it doesn't mean cleaning up his office!". And yes, my boss was on the interview panel.

Other than that, I think I handled the questions with grace and style. And I only swore once during the whole interview.


phishez said...

There weren't enough chairs? How the hell did they manage that? At least you didn't stand around and bitch that there weren't enough chairs.

Anonymous said...

Yes my dear,
but the one swear word was????? After being asked would you cover your boss's job and saying yes but that you would not clean it because he was a lazy sack of shi... doesn't help!

Anonymous said...

I don't think your heart is in it. Dog poo smells like dog poo.

Anonymous said...

It wasn't at a obgyn doctor's office was it? That would have been MUCH worse... eck.

Jules said...

What the hell does a dead cat have to do with the price of eggs?? Unless of course you were gong for an interview at a vet clinic. Maybe I should read a few previous entries. I think the exam table call was a goodie!

Anonymous said...

Ok im impatient Cath, did you get the job? I hope feeling better about things, keep up the good work with the blog, keep them coming.