Rather than dwell on how incredibly shit I have been feeling lately, how my Mother is driving me mad, and how Christmas is heading towards being some sort of emotional disaster..... I would much rather look at something far happier and cuter.
It was recently Isabella's First Birthday, so we of course had a party to celebrate, and invited other feline friends. Diablo briefly showed his face to look at the birthday cake and put on his party hat, but spent most of the time hiding under the couch. Meanwhile, Zaphy and Isabella used the hallway as a racing track. There was cake and party hats, and even coffee for the humans!

They just all look so cute!
What is interesting is that when I told people about having the party, more often than not, people shook their heads and called me sad, and a little pathetic. Can I just tell people that that is *not* the sort of thing you should tell a person who has *depression issues*, and who is talking about the only thing that provided some lift and happiness!??!!??!!
Enough of that - go back and admire the cute little kitties again.
Was there a fight over the salmon pate! So you should celebrate your girl's birthday in fine style! Bah humbug to those that pooh pooh the idea! Many happy returns to Isabella from Kerri, Dixie, Simone and Shadow
LOL, so cute :) The party hats came out well. I'm with Kez on this - bah humbug to the pooh-poohers!
Diablo would be the huge guy to the left photo???
Why would he get under a couch, the other two would be toys compared to his size!!
I do like the really cute kitten in the arms of the blonde.......
but then again, the blonde looks good as well ;)
Miss C, fantastic party, photos are great ..... I love Diablo - has to be the big heffer in the bottom phot?? So gorgeous.
Isabella takes a good pic too!
Miss D
Aw, those kitties look so cute!
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