Wednesday, July 23, 2008

In my humble professional opinion...

Even after working for the number of years I have, I still find it hard to believe that people might seek out my opinion on things. When my boss has rung to canvass my thoughts on something, I often think that he has dialled the wrong number, or got really deperate.

So again, imagine my surprise when I was recently approached by a member of staff for my opinion on a study she is about to undertake. Well actually, not an opinion on the whole study, but actually, just an opinion on the title of the study. I thought, wow, I wonder what it involves that she seeks my opinion on this sort of thing.

And then she told me the title.

"Oral methods for fixing the position of the prostate"

Yes, really. She was asking if it sounded a little "wrong". So, no professional opinion required, just my smut opinion.

And I told her to change it - unless she really wants a lot of attention......


Anonymous said...

Sounds like she's writing a thesis and in my humble opinion that's the perfect title to get the research published. Tell her to stick with her first choice of title.

Ms Batville said...

Having a smut opinion would, apparently and according only to him, have saved Sam Newman a whole lotta strife. I don't think however you want to volunteer for that job.

Sexy Einstein said...

"Oral methods for fixing the position of the prostate"

I am dorry but I did not make it past this sentence. I feel sick to my stomach, but I wouldn't mind experiencing Oral prostate position improvement.....I need help.