Sunday, January 08, 2006

Opportunity lost.

It took me a long time to be comfortable with shopping for prophylactics. Being a modern woman, I understood that I really should have my own "just in case", but I felt like all eyes were on me when I slid them across the counter for purchase.

I would imagine what everyone was thinking. "She thinks she is going to get some sex!" or "I wonder how soon she plans on using these?",or worse still, "Slim fit hey, how disappointing for you?". Nevertheless, I purchased, not quite proudly, but with the knowledge that I was a responsible adult.

Today I have been doing a little cleaning and culling around the house. Getting rid of all manner of things and feeling somewhat cathartic in the process. All was going well until I happened upon the condoms in my bedside drawer, and noted that quite a few had expired. I secreted them to the bottom of the rubbish bin. It is one thing buying the damn things, but a whole different matter contemplating on the lost opportunities when they go unused!


Girl said...

Just tell yourself they were old stock when you bought them. That's what I would do- self delusion plus!

The Daily Magnet said...

Cath, if it's any comfort 'they' don't 'look' at you any better when you get extra large fit.