Hello Shelf, my old friend - I am back again.
I gave myself one task at the beginning of this year. It was to actively seek a fulfilling and meaningful relationship. Did I achieve this goal? Well, yes. But perhaps I should have specified that I also desired longevity.
My romance and relationship with B, as has been chronicled here, has been one of the most wonderful experiences of my life. He encompassed so much of what I have always wanted. But now it is over. My heart hurts. I can't stop crying. It takes all my strength to attempt to be sociable.
When I told this news to a friend this morning, he said, "Well you should be good at being dumped by now - it happens so much!". In time, this will get funnier, but right now, it just feels a little too true and painful.
As B was breaking up with me, he said that he loved me. But it would appear not enough.
Do you want me to go and toilet paper his house for you? In fact i am sure i can get a few ladies to help me out... *Mwah Mwah. Kisses and Big Hugs*
Mon cher ami. Je ne peux pas vous enseigner que l’amour que vous cherchez vient d’en dedans. Je souhaite je peux vous montrer « Vous » de notre perspective, et Vous pourriez voir tout que nous voyons et adorons. Tout vos accomplissements, tout le joie vous portez. Vous êtes très cher à moi. - R
Anonymous 18:24 - count me in for toilet papering the house! Miss C, I'm truly sorry that you are so upset, this is never an easy time. Rest assured that your friends are sending you heaps of hugs and kisses.
Armies are readying. Allegiances have been formed. Soldiers build, or rebuild, their alliances. There is nothing warriors like more than a clear and well defined enemy. Toilet papering houses? FOR PUSSIES. This calls for full scale action. Whether it be desecrating the opposition (metaphorically of course, I’m opposed to violence on principle you know) or a radical campaign of moral boosting, you can count on your troops to be by your side. We are Sisters In Arms.
If I'm to be a sister of any sort then a great deal of waxing is in order. And I think I'll want a habit... the thought of nun-warfare tickles my fancy. - R
Thank you all for your words of support. The tears still flow freely, and Christmas isn't quite feeling as festive as it did a week ago. I appreciate the support - but please don't do anything radical.... and R - I really don't think you waxing is what any of us needs right now! x
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